Custom Guitars, Mandolins, Ukes, & Repair
Bozeman, Montana

If you have never had a full setup done on your instrument, then you probably working a lot harder than you need to when playing. A setup is probably the single investment that everyone should make. It will make even an inexpensive instrument play better, which means more fun making music!
And sometimes bad things happen. I can help with anything from a broken headstock, a refret, new nut or saddle, installing a pickup, cracked side or top. Price varies based on the complexity of the job. Basic prices are listed below.
Basics Price List:
Acoustic Setup (includes: restring (bring your own strings), adjust neck relief, set string height (nut and saddle), check intonation, minor fret leveling, tighten screws and tuners, clean/polish/oil) - $75
Add New Bone Nut - $50​
Add New Bone Saddle - $40
Add Full Fret Dress - $70
Electric Setup (includes Acoustic Setup, plus set intonation, set individual string heights, clean electronics) - $90
Basic Pickup Install - $50, plus price of pickup (or bring your own). More complex installation will be quoted.
Replace Bridge Pins - $25 + price of pins.
Keyhole and ramp pin holes for un-slotted bridge pins - $50. A great upgrade that will help the guitar tone and protect the bridge plate from damage caused by restringing with slotted bridge pins. ​
Crack repair - approximately $20-30 per inch
Replace tuners with restring - $50, plus cost of tuners (or bring your own)
Other Repairs:
Dings, dents, broken headstock, replace bridge, reset neck, refret, etc. billed at shop rate of $60/hr.
$60 minimum. Set up an appointment for an estimate.